Our Team
We are political strategists, fundraisers, and policy experts with deep roots in the environmental movement.
Environmental impacts don’t stop at district or state lines — our efforts and political giving shouldn’t either. We need a focused, collaborative strategy to elect leaders at all levels of government who are committed to doing whatever it takes to save the planet.
That’s why LCV Victory Fund and NRDC Action Votes collaborated to develop GiveGreen, which provides a nationwide strategy for taking action.
LCV Victory Fund (LCVVF) is a political committee that engages in independent expenditures to defeat federal candidates who stand in the way of a clean energy future and to elect environmental champions. Some GiveGreen activities may be conducted by LCV Action Fund.
NRDC Action Votes works to elect pro-environment federal candidates and to build the political power of the environmental movement. NRDC Action Votes supports candidates who will work to avert dangerous climate change, support healthy people and thriving communities, and conserve and protect nature and wildlife. Some GiveGreen activities may be conducted by NRDC Action Fund PAC.
Founded by leaders from LCV Victory Fund and NRDC Action Votes, GiveGreen amplifies the environmental priorities of donors like you.
That way, you can contribute to the right race at the right time - and see tangible victories for your community and the planet.