Our 2022 Impact


Record midterm contributions through GiveGreen paved the way for a greener, more just future.

  • $27 Million

    Collectively raised

  • 69

    Events hosted by you

  • 62

    Newly elected climate champions

  • 77%

    Win rate achieved in key races

Federal Wins

  • Senate Outcomes

  • House Outcomes

  • Priority incumbent re-elected

    Together, donors raised more than $400,000 each for incumbent Senators Catherine Cortez Masto, Raphael Warnock, Mark Kelly, Maggie Hassan, and Michael Bennet

  • Priority Flip

    You helped flip Pennsylvania’s open Senate seat by electing John Fetterman

  • Incumbent Champion re-elected

    You helped send incumbent climate champions from Washington, Oregon, New York, and elsewhere back to the Senate

  • Priority loss

    Despite generous support from GiveGreen donors, candidates lost tough races in 2022 in Florida, North Carolina, Ohio, and Wisconsin

  • $7.9 M Raised for senate candidates during the 2022 cycle
  • 24 Total Senate candidates on GiveGreen during the 2022 cycle
  • 35 Senate candidate events held during the 2022 cycle
  • 63% Win rate in the Senate for the 2022 cycle
  • Priority Incumbent Re-elected

    These are states where one or more incumbents in toss-up races were re-elected.

  • Priority Flip

    These states where one or more new champions in toss-up were elected

  • Both Priority Incumbent and Flip

    These are states where both priority champions in toss-up races and new champions were elected

  • $9.3 M Raised for House candidates during the 2022 cycle
  • 80% Win rate in the House during the 2022 cycle
  • 161 Total GiveGreen House candidates during the 2022 cycle
  • 20 House candidate events held during the 2022 cycle

Election Cycle Highlights

  • Your donations paved the way for historic climate action

    Our strategically created slates drove contributions to candidates who needed funds to win key races for climate action.

    In 2022, GiveGreen raised $17.2 million for federal races and $10 million for state and local races from a collective of more than 4,000 donors.

    The results? Important wins in the Senate, improved odds in the House for 2024, and key state and local victories that will drive environmental policy.

  • Fundraising events feature bright stars and big gifts

    In 2022, GiveGreen partners hosted 69 in-person and virtual fundraising events, raising a total of $7.8 million.

    Donor events with party leaders, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, then Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and now Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, sparked critical conversations about climate, environmental justice, and democracy.

  • GiveGreen Ambassadors and Guardians lead the way

    We’re building the collective power of donors who care about environmental justice and climate action at every level of government.

    Our new GiveGreen Guardians program empowers donors who contribute or help raise at least $1,000. Last cycle, more than 725 Guardians raised $19.5 million for pro-climate champions.