2024 Green Senate

Candidate profile pages are paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund, www.lcvactionfund.org, and authorized by the candidate committee./n/nThe first $13,200 of each contribution from a person and the first $20,000 from a multicandidate committee (“PAC”) will be allocated evenly, up to legal limits, between Colin Allred for Senate, Gallego for Arizona, Rosen for Nevada, and Debbie for Florida for use in the general election. The next $41,300 of each contribution from a person and the next $15,000 from a PAC will be allocated to the DSCC. All amounts in excess of these amounts, up to the legal limits, will be allocated to the DSCC’s headquarters fund or voter protection/legal defense fund. 2024 Green Senate does not accept contributions from corporate PACs./n/nA contributor may designate his or her contribution for a particular participant. The allocation formula above may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution.