US House, AZ-07

Raul Grijalva


  • Leading advocate for protecting and conserving open spaces
  • Voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, the most significant action Congress has ever taken to address climate change
  • Earned 97% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard
  • Endorsed by LCV Action Fund
  • Endorsed by NRDC Action Fund


  • Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee
  • Holding this seat in Arizona will help the environmental movement reclaim a pro-environment majority in the House of Representatives in 2024, which will help pave the way for climate action

Candidate Background

Representative Raúl Grijalva is running for a 12th term representing Arizona's 7th congressional district.  He has served the people of Southern Arizona since 1974, having served on the Tucson Unified School District board and the Pima County Board of Supervisors before coming to Congress in 1993. As the Ranking Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources, Grijalva has made protecting the environment and conserving open spaces a top priority. He was a founding co-chair of the National Landscape Conservation System Caucus, and in 2007, was the lead House sponsor of successful legislation to permanently establish the National Landscape Conservation System, which protects more than 27 million acres of National Monuments, Conservation Areas, Wilderness Areas, Wilderness Study Areas, and rivers. In addition, Grijalva has authored the Southern Arizona Land Protection Act and the Grand Canyon Watersheds Protection Act, both of which preserve Arizona’s land and water supply from uranium mining. Grijalva introduced the Environmental Justice for All Act to address environmental racism and give historically marginalized communities the tools they need for a healthier climate. He has been a leader in the effort to reauthorize and fully fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Representative Grijalva has earned a stellar 97% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard. 

Candidate profile pages are paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund,, and authorized by the candidate committee.