US House, CA-30

Laura Friedman


  • Passed measures banning the use of dangerous PFAS chemicals in consumer products – including cosmetics and children’s toys
  • Principal co-author of legislation that put California on the path to phasing out single-use plastics
  • Authored and passed legislation to reduce climate pollution from commercial and residential buildings in California By 40% by 2030
  • Endorsed by LCV Action Fund
  • Endorsed by NRDC Action Fund

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  • Holding this seat in California will help the environmental movement reclaim a majority in the House which will make it easier to pass climate legislation at the federal level

Candidate Background

Laura Friedman is running to represent California’s 30th  Congressional District. Laura has an extraordinary record of progressive leadership as a State Assemblymember; Glendale City Council member and Mayor, community activist; and in the private sector.

State Assemblymember Laura Friedman has been a leading advocate for climate and environmental justice in the California legislature and during her time in local elected office. She authored and passed legislation in California to reduce climate pollution from commercial and residential buildings in the state 40% by 2030; modernize water management; ban PFAS in commercial products; phase out single-use plastic by 2032; and to prioritize wildlife connectivity infrastructure such as wildlife crossings. She is also a leader on sustainable transportation issues in the state, including adopting zero emissions vehicles, directing funding away from widening highways and into building mass transit and affordable housing near mass transit, as well as more biking and pedestrian options. Friedman introduced and signed into law landmark water management legislation that modernized the way we manage our water in order to guard against future droughts and eliminate waste and inefficiencies. If elected to Congress, she will continue to champion these issues in Washington. 

Candidate profile pages are paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund,, and authorized by the candidate committee.