
Kamala Harris


  • Led the passage of the landmark climate legislation, the Inflation Reduction Act, where she advocated for and cast the deciding vote for passage
  • Launched the America the Beautiful challenge to protect 30 percent of our lands and waters by 2030
  • Helped create a new White House Office of Environmental Justice
  • Most pro-environment Vice President and administration in U.S. history
  • Endorsed by LCV Action Fund
  • Endorsed by NRDC Action Fund


  • In 2020, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris defeated Donald Trump by 4.4% of the national vote, and less than 3% in key battleground states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania
  • The White House is one of the most important offices to defend - if Kamala Harris loses this election we are at risk rolling back the historic climate gains we made during his presidency
  • If elected, Kamala Harris will become the first woman president in United States history 



Vice President Kamala Harris is running for President of the United States to continue the Biden-Harris Administration's incredible climate leadership in the White House. Kamala Harris is a former U.S. Senator and Attorney General from California.  Vice President Harris made history in 2020 by becoming the first woman, Black, and South Asian American Vice President of the United States. 

During their first term, the Biden-Harris Administration has been an incredible champion for our planet and communities. The Administration canceled the dirty and dangerous Keystone XL pipeline, established new national monuments across the country, set tougher standards for clean vehicles, and recently created a new White House Office of Environmental Justice.

The Biden-Harris Administration’s landmark Inflation Reduction Act introduced the most aggressive action ever taken in the United States to fight climate change, advance environmental justice,  create family-sustaining jobs and lower energy costs. This historic legislation is an incredible jump start to transition the country into a healthier, more equitable, clean energy future. The Administration also championed democracy issues, including pushing Congress to pass the Freedom To Vote Act and John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

Harris For President does not accept contributions from corporations or their PACs, unions, federal contractors, national banks, those registered as federal lobbyists or under FARA, SEC-named executives of fossil fuel companies, or foreign nationals.

Candidate profile pages are paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund,, and authorized by the candidate committee.