US House, IL-04

Jesus Chuy Garcia


  • Passionate about improving public transit
  • Voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, the most significant action Congress has ever taken to address climate change
  • Earned a lifetime score of 98% on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard
  • Endorsed by LCV Action Fund


  • Holding this seat in Illinois will help the environmental movement reclaim apro-environment majority in the House of Representatives in 2024, which will help pave the way for climate action
  • Member of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the House Natural Resources Committee
  • Will maintain Latino representation in Congress


Representative Chuy Garcia is running for a fourth term to represent Illinois’ 4th congressional district. Garcia was born in Durango, Mexico, and moved to Chicago with his family when he was 10 years old. He started organizing when he was still in high school and eventually became a Chicago Alderman, Illinois State Senator, and Cook County Commissioner. In 1983, Chicago Mayor Harold Washington tapped Garcia to become Deputy Water Commissioner. Garcia cares deeply about pollution’s impact on public health and particularly on lead poisoning in public water systems. Garcia is a supporter of the Green New Deal and believes we must reduce our reliance on fossil fuels. Representative Garcia has earned a stellar lifetime score of 98% on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard

Candidate profile pages are paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund,, and authorized by the candidate committee.