US House, IL-03

Delia Ramirez


  • Supports the Green New Deal
  • Co-sponsor of the landmark Clean Energy Jobs Act in the state legislature, which will transition Illinois to 100 percent clean energy by 2045
  • Environmental justice champion
  • Earned 97% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard
  • Endorsed by LCV Action Fund


  • In 2022, she made history by becoming the first Latina to represent Illinois in Congress
  • Member of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus  
  • Holding this seat in Illinois will help win a pro-environmental majority in the House, making it easier to pass climate legislation at the federal level


Representative Delia Ramirez is running for a second term to represent Illinois's 3rd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Born and raised in Chicago, she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in justice studies from Northeastern Illinois University. Ramirez has been active in advocacy and community organizing throughout her career. From 2004 to 2013, she was the executive director of Center for Changing Lives, a nonprofit focused on the issue of homelessness. From 2016 to 2019, she was the president of the Latin United Community Housing Association. Ramirez also served as the president of her neighborhood association. In 2018, she launched a campaign for the open 18th District seat in the Illinois House of Representatives. She won a four-candidate Democratic primary with 48 percent of the vote and was uncontested in the general election. During her time in the legislature, Ramirez has been a strong advocate for climate, justice and democracy. She has earned a 100 percent every year on the Illinois Environmental Council’s scorecard. During her campaign, she has refused to take contributions from the fossil fuel industry and was an early co-sponsor of the landmark Clean Energy Jobs Act, which will transition Illinois to 100 percent clean energy by 2045. Ramirez also fought for critical investments in walking and bicycle paths and to reduce single-use plastics. In Congress, she will continue to fight for an equitable and just transition to clean energy, including for the Green New Deal. As Congresswoman, she has been a committed and unwavering champion and co-sponsor for the Green New Deal to invest in clean energy jobs and infrastructure, end our reliance on fossil fuels, and fight the effects of climate change in a proactive and equitable manner. She is the first Latina to represent Illinois, or any Midwestern state, in Congress. Representative Ramirez has earned a 97% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard

Candidate profile pages are paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund,, and authorized by the candidate committee.