US Senate, MN
Amy Klobuchar
- Co-sponsor of important legislation to protect the Great Lakes
- Voted for the Inflation Reduction Act, the most significant action Congress has ever taken to address climate change
- Earned 93% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard
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- Contributing to this race now will help Amy Klobuchar build her campaign warchest early for her race in 2030
- Ranking Member on the Committee of Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry and Member of the Committee on the Judiciary
Amy Klobuchar is running for a fifth term to represent Minnesota in the U.S. Senate. She previously served as Hennepin County Attorney. Klobuchar is a member of the Senate Climate Action Task Force and has been a strong advocate for climate action, supporting the Paris climate agreement, leading a Senate resolution recognizing the need for climate action. Additionally, Klobuchar spearheaded and passed legislation to prevent the spread of invasive carp in Minnesota’s waterways by authorizing the Army Corps of Engineers to close the Upper St. Anthony Falls Dam. She supported funding critical research and educational efforts to develop new methods and techniques to prevent the rapid spread of invasive species in our lakes and rivers. In the Senate, Klobuchar has led on clean energy and energy efficiency, including the bipartisan Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Act which was included in the infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act of 2022.
She was proud to support the Inflation Reduction Act which is the single largest federal investment in climate policy in the world’s history, and understands the work is only beginning. In order to avoid the worst effects of climate change we need to achieve 100% net-zero emissions no later than 2050. The IRA included several of Klobuchar’s bills that make significant investments in programs that will support increased access to homegrown renewable fuels. Senator Klobuchar has earned a 93% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.
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