US House, MI-13

Shri Thanedar


  • Co-sponsor of the Green New Deal
  • Co-sponsored the Energy Resilient Communities Act, which aims to make critical energy infrastructure more resilient to the hazards of climate change
  • Co-sponsor of the Environmental Justice For All Act legislation that mandates federal agencies to prioritize environmental justice and public involvement
  • Supports strong legislation to protect Michigan’s waterways, including the Great Lakes
  • Earned a 100% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard

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  • Holding this seat in Michigan will help win a pro-environmental majority in the House, making it easier to pass climate legislation at the federal level
  • Member on the Subcommittee of Transportation and Maritime Security and Member of the Climate Solutions Caucus

Candidate Background

Representative Shri Thanedar is running for a third term to represent Michigan's 13th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Thanedar was born in India and earned a bachelor’s degree in chemistry from the University of Bombay. He came to the United States to study and received a PhD from the University of Akron in 1982 and is the only Ph.D. chemist in Congress so he knows firsthand the harmful effects of pollution in our communities. 

Michigan's 13th Congressional District has been subject to decades of environmental racism and harm. In 2020, he was elected to represent the 3rd District in the Michigan House of Representatives. In the legislature, Thanedar has supported a number of pro-environment bills and supports strong legislation to protect Michigan’s waterways, including the Great Lakes. This includes proposals to shut down the Enbridge Energy Line 5 oil pipeline, and protection of native wildlife from invasive species. 

In Congress, Thanedar has been a staunch advocate for our environment, supporting legislation like Environmental Justice for All Act, The Green New Deal Resolution, and is fighting to ensure a robust implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act that doesn’t leave communities behind. He co-sponsored the Energy Resilient Communities Act, which aims to make critical energy infrastructure more resilient to the hazards of climate change, providing grants for the development of clean energy microgrids. In October 2023, Thadedar unveiled the Environmental Health Workforce Act of 2023 to address the decline of vital environmental health professionals crucial to public safety. This bill would establish model standards for environmental health worker credentialing and develop a tailored workforce development plan for environmental health needs. He has earned an outstanding 100% lifetime score on LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard.

Candidate profile pages are paid for by the League of Conservation Voters Action Fund,, and authorized by the candidate committee.