About Us
We’re the largest fundraising platform for climate action in the country—and we’re seeing record victories at all levels of government.
We are political strategists, fundraisers, and policy experts with a focused, collaborative strategy to elect climate leaders at all levels of government.
Founded by leaders from LCV Victory Fund and NRDC Action Votes, GiveGreen amplifies the environmental priorities of donors like you.
That way, you can contribute to the right race at the right time—and see tangible victories for your community and the planet.
We’re building collective power to:
Win elections at all levels of government
Give elected officials a mandate to create and act on climate policy
Change the political system by creating a pipeline of climate leaders and allies
Make the future healthier, greener, and more just for all
Together, we can build collective power and demand that political candidates take action to protect the environment.
Support vetted candidates
Support vetted candidates in high-stakes elections. Follow our strategic giving advice throughout the election cycle.
Give with Ease
Manage all your political giving in one, easy-to-use platform. Track your donations, create slates of pro-environment candidates to share with friends and family, and receive regular updates on the state of play.
Leverage your impact
Add your voice to a community that’s more than 50,000 donors strong. Together, we signal to candidates that the environment is our top priority.
Our Impact
Despite the “red wave” pundits predicted during the 2022 midterm elections, voters shifted the tide for a greener future.
- 1200+ Races Won
- $145 million Total Raised
- 50,000+ Community Members
- 71% Overall Election Win Rate

The support of GiveGreen’s committed partners and allies makes a greener, healthier future possible.