About Us


We’re building collective power to:

  • Demonstrate to candidates that climate is a key voter issue

  • Win elections at all levels of government

  • Give elected officials a mandate to create and act on climate policy

  • Change the political system by creating a pipeline of climate leaders and allies

  • Make the future healthier, greener, and more just for all

Why GiveGreen

Together, we can build collective power and demand that political candidates take action to protect the environment.

  • Support vetted candidates

    Support vetted candidates in high-stakes elections. Follow our strategic giving advice throughout the election cycle. 

  • Give with Ease

    Manage all your political giving in one, easy-to-use platform. Track your donations, create slates of pro-environment candidates to share with friends and family, and receive regular updates on the state of play.

  • Leverage your impact

    Add your voice to a community that’s more than 50,000 donors strong. Together, we signal to candidates that the environment is our top priority. 

Our Impact

  • 1200+ Races Won
  • $145 million Total Raised
  • 50,000+ Community Members
  • 71% Overall Election Win Rate

The support of GiveGreen’s committed partners and allies makes a greener, healthier future possible.


Questions? Get in touch.